EDM Campaign Creator

The steps below have been designed to help guide you through the process of submitting your EDM brief and assets in a simple and straightforward manner, passing them on to our creative team, who will then provide you with a concept in the coming days.

Please be sure to leave your details (or those of the best point of contact) after the final step so that we can be in touch!

Select Your Text Layout Style

Select Your Text Layout Style

{{project='Project 1:';""}} {{assets='1';""}}

Project 1 Upload Your Assets

Project 1 Upload Your Assets

Please use the below uploader tool to select the necessary assets from your machine and submit them to us. Remember that a reader is more likely to read on if they’re captivated by the imagery, so please provide these in the highest resolution format you have.
Also, please note the fact product rules state that your Solus EDM must contain only contain property-related images.

Hero Image - Minimum 1400px wide *
Development Logo 600px wide *

{{project='Project 1:';""}} {{assets='1';""}}

Project 1 Upload Your Assets

Project 1 Upload Your Assets

Please note; your Solus EDM can only contain property-related images.

Hero Image - Minimum 1400px wide *
Development Logo 600px wide *

Upload Your Assets

Upload Your Assets

Please note; your Solus EDM can only contain property-related images.

Hero Image - Minimum 1400px wide *
Development Logo 600px wide *
Any Additional Logos (Developer or Project Marketer?) 600px wide
Supporting Imagery 1400px wide
Extra Supporting Imagery 1400px wide
{{project='Project 2:';""}} {{assets='1';""}}

Project 2 Upload Your Assets

Project 2 Upload Your Assets

Please note; your Solus EDM must contain at least one property-related image.

Hero Image - Minimum 1400px wide *
Development Logo 600px wide *

{{project='Project 2:';""}} {{assets='1';""}}

Project 2 Upload Your Assets

Project 2 Upload Your Assets

Please note; your Solus EDM can only contain property-related images.

Hero Image - Minimum 1400px wide *
Development Logo 600px wide *

Provide Your Campaign Copy

Selling Point: Keep this clear and concise. Where possible, stick with facts and descriptions of the project. Avoid copy that may result in the email being filtered to junk like “Special” or “Offer”. If you’re looking to include a price point, include this in the Main Body Copy.

Main Body Copy

Selling Point / Price Point


List Items

{{project='Project 3:';""}} {{assets='1';""}}

Project 3 Upload Your Assets

Project 3 Upload Your Assets

Please note; your Solus EDM can only contain property-related images.

Hero Image - Minimum 1400px wide *
Development Logo 600px wide *

Click to add another URL

Contact details

Contact details


Required! Invalid email!


